Holiday with a horse - this is how it becomes a dream holiday

Vacationing with your own horse: what a great idea! You immediately think of rides on deserted beaches, along quiet mountain lakes, in beautiful heathland or fragrant forests and valleys. Enjoying time and relaxation together with your four-legged friend and exploring new places - that sounds like an absolute dream vacation and is still on the "wish list" for many of us. You can find out here how this dream vacation can be a success.
Before you start looking for travel destinations, you should be aware of what a holiday with a horse means and whether you have the right qualifications for this adventure. The rider and horse should be physically fit to a certain extent, as long-term transport and temporary stable changes are also strenuous. If you are planning longer rides lasting several hours, you should train your horse accordingly in advance. Your horse’s psychological constitution also plays an important role. Any change can also mean stress and some horses have difficulty coping with new situations and long journeys. So honestly answer the question of whether you are doing your horse (and yourself) a favor.
If your horse is unsure when loading, we recommend regular loading training in advance. The organizational effort should also not be underestimated: a long journey with your own things and the equipment for the horse means a lot of effort. If you have the confidence to do it and maybe even travel with a stable colleague, nothing stands in the way of planning. But be careful: some accommodations and destinations have to be booked a year in advance!
What would you like to do on your vacation? Is it really a ride on the beach, or do you want to go to the mountains? Wine route or heath? Domestic or abroad? Or should it be a vacation with a training character? Or both? There are thousands of options and within Germany alone you can discover countless great horse-friendly places. Extensive research online and comparing several providers is your first step towards a vacation.
We riders are usually rather undemanding when it comes to our own accommodation. Not so with horses! The most important thing when choosing a suitable holiday stable is that the housing deviates as little as possible from the usual one. It's best to write down the most important key points before submitting your request and ask specifically what can be implemented. Most providers charge between 15 and 35 euros per day, depending on the services.
Possible questions could be:
As soon as you travel to one of our neighboring countries or further, special entry regulations apply. In any case, an official veterinary health certificate is absolutely necessary, which must not be older than 48 hours before the start of the trip. To do this, you must contact the responsible veterinary office to make an appointment. The district office usually also provides the necessary forms online. Some countries (Switzerland) also require additional vaccinations. The issue of customs must also be clarified when traveling to non-EU countries.
Depending on how far away your destination is and how experienced you are with traveling, there are different transport options.
If you have your own trailer and don't have any problems with longer journey times, you can set off on your own. The prerequisite for this is of course that the trailer and towing vehicle are in perfect condition and everything is functional. A quick check-up in your workshop makes sense before you start your journey and you can leave with peace of mind. It is very important to get a good overview of the route and plan for refueling stops as well as regular breaks. There should be a break every 3-4 hours to water your horse and top up with hay if necessary. In quiet parking lots with little traffic, you can unload your horse briefly, walk it a bit and let it graze before setting off again. For journeys longer than 6-8 hours, it is better to split them into two stages and plan an overnight stay. On very hot days, you should offer your horse water every two hours. IMPORTANT: You are only allowed to transport your horse with an equine passport!
Rented vehicles, especially small transporters for two to three horses, offer more space and comfort, which can be useful for long distances and a lot of equipment. The horses usually stand much better and more comfortably on the vans and get in easily. The rent is of course not cheap, but it can be worth it, especially if you divide it in half. A possible disadvantage would be that you don't have a vehicle at your destination for smaller day trips.
Haulage companies and horse taxis are professionals when it comes to horse transport. A freight forwarding company can be the right choice, especially for long distances and trips abroad. They are familiar with the relevant regulations and usually take care of the paperwork. The trucks are also air-conditioned and your horse is usually not alone. Regular stops for watering and feeding are part of the service. The journeys are often planned overnight so that the roads are clear. This way you can travel ahead of your horse and meet him at his destination the next day. Of course, there are some costs involved here too, but they can be worth it for long distances, especially if it means everyone gets to their destination in a relaxed manner.
You should have a plan B ready for your holiday with a horse and protect yourself in advance if you are unable to go on holiday. Unfortunately, if you have an injured or sick horse, your vacation will be ruined. When booking, clarify what will happen to the booking if necessary and whether you could even cancel or rebook free of charge.
Of course, it can unfortunately happen that your horse gets injured while on vacation. In this case too, a good solution can certainly be found if everything is discussed transparently in advance. In the event that something happens abroad, you can research before you travel, feel safer, whether a veterinarian or clinic can be reached locally and write down the details. There's no need to paint the devil on the wall, but we all know that our horses like to choose the worst possible time to defend themselves or strike. So it's better to plan too much than make bad decisions under pressure.
You have arrived! Your horse feels good, the weather is great and the vacation can begin! A trip like this brings people together and you two will grow even more together during this time. Now you can enjoy this wonderful adventure together and collect jam jar moments that you will remember forever.
The right conditions
Before you start looking for travel destinations, you should be aware of what a holiday with a horse means and whether you have the right qualifications for this adventure. The rider and horse should be physically fit to a certain extent, as long-term transport and temporary stable changes are also strenuous. If you are planning longer rides lasting several hours, you should train your horse accordingly in advance. Your horse’s psychological constitution also plays an important role. Any change can also mean stress and some horses have difficulty coping with new situations and long journeys. So honestly answer the question of whether you are doing your horse (and yourself) a favor.
If your horse is unsure when loading, we recommend regular loading training in advance. The organizational effort should also not be underestimated: a long journey with your own things and the equipment for the horse means a lot of effort. If you have the confidence to do it and maybe even travel with a stable colleague, nothing stands in the way of planning. But be careful: some accommodations and destinations have to be booked a year in advance!
Find the right travel destination
What would you like to do on your vacation? Is it really a ride on the beach, or do you want to go to the mountains? Wine route or heath? Domestic or abroad? Or should it be a vacation with a training character? Or both? There are thousands of options and within Germany alone you can discover countless great horse-friendly places. Extensive research online and comparing several providers is your first step towards a vacation.
The shelter
We riders are usually rather undemanding when it comes to our own accommodation. Not so with horses! The most important thing when choosing a suitable holiday stable is that the housing deviates as little as possible from the usual one. It's best to write down the most important key points before submitting your request and ask specifically what can be implemented. Most providers charge between 15 and 35 euros per day, depending on the services.
Possible questions could be:
- How often and what is fed?
- Do I have to bring my own food/bedding?
- How big are the boxes?
- Are paddocks and/or paddocks available?
- Are there a riding arena and a hall?
- Are there guided rides?
- Is it possible to receive riding lessons?
- What qualifications do the trainers have?
Traveling abroad
As soon as you travel to one of our neighboring countries or further, special entry regulations apply. In any case, an official veterinary health certificate is absolutely necessary, which must not be older than 48 hours before the start of the trip. To do this, you must contact the responsible veterinary office to make an appointment. The district office usually also provides the necessary forms online. Some countries (Switzerland) also require additional vaccinations. The issue of customs must also be clarified when traveling to non-EU countries.
The transport
Depending on how far away your destination is and how experienced you are with traveling, there are different transport options.
Own trailer and towing vehicle
If you have your own trailer and don't have any problems with longer journey times, you can set off on your own. The prerequisite for this is of course that the trailer and towing vehicle are in perfect condition and everything is functional. A quick check-up in your workshop makes sense before you start your journey and you can leave with peace of mind. It is very important to get a good overview of the route and plan for refueling stops as well as regular breaks. There should be a break every 3-4 hours to water your horse and top up with hay if necessary. In quiet parking lots with little traffic, you can unload your horse briefly, walk it a bit and let it graze before setting off again. For journeys longer than 6-8 hours, it is better to split them into two stages and plan an overnight stay. On very hot days, you should offer your horse water every two hours. IMPORTANT: You are only allowed to transport your horse with an equine passport!
Rented van
Rented vehicles, especially small transporters for two to three horses, offer more space and comfort, which can be useful for long distances and a lot of equipment. The horses usually stand much better and more comfortably on the vans and get in easily. The rent is of course not cheap, but it can be worth it, especially if you divide it in half. A possible disadvantage would be that you don't have a vehicle at your destination for smaller day trips.
Shipping company or horse taxi
Haulage companies and horse taxis are professionals when it comes to horse transport. A freight forwarding company can be the right choice, especially for long distances and trips abroad. They are familiar with the relevant regulations and usually take care of the paperwork. The trucks are also air-conditioned and your horse is usually not alone. Regular stops for watering and feeding are part of the service. The journeys are often planned overnight so that the roads are clear. This way you can travel ahead of your horse and meet him at his destination the next day. Of course, there are some costs involved here too, but they can be worth it for long distances, especially if it means everyone gets to their destination in a relaxed manner.
Plan for the unexpected
You should have a plan B ready for your holiday with a horse and protect yourself in advance if you are unable to go on holiday. Unfortunately, if you have an injured or sick horse, your vacation will be ruined. When booking, clarify what will happen to the booking if necessary and whether you could even cancel or rebook free of charge.
Of course, it can unfortunately happen that your horse gets injured while on vacation. In this case too, a good solution can certainly be found if everything is discussed transparently in advance. In the event that something happens abroad, you can research before you travel, feel safer, whether a veterinarian or clinic can be reached locally and write down the details. There's no need to paint the devil on the wall, but we all know that our horses like to choose the worst possible time to defend themselves or strike. So it's better to plan too much than make bad decisions under pressure.
Collect jam jar moments
You have arrived! Your horse feels good, the weather is great and the vacation can begin! A trip like this brings people together and you two will grow even more together during this time. Now you can enjoy this wonderful adventure together and collect jam jar moments that you will remember forever.